Expand your business from online marketplace to offline channel store
How French brand Octavio was contacted by 2 offline retailers within 4 days after cooperating with So sample ?
#audiostreamer #retailer #frenchmarket #opportunity
24 hours
Contacted by a first retailer with 215-stores
Contacted by a second retailer with 176-stores
6 days
First order from a leading retailer
48 hours
Only 24 hours for the first contact by retailer
Initial situation
An innovative French product only available on the brand's own website
Made in France, Octavio is a brand-new audio streamer with an original concept: connecting audio equipment to high fidelity online music services. It’s an original and unique product which doesn’t have many existing competitors.
Before entering into market, Octavio company had successfully launched its first crowfunding campaign, exceeding the expected target.
They also organized its music-lovers community by launching effective social media campaigns.
After testing and improving the product according to feedback from first users, Octavio launched its product and sold it on its own website starting from March 2021.
Eager to reach out to more consumers and develop new marketplaces faster and easier, Octavio turned to So sample.

The reason why Octavio turned to So sample
✅ Experts to create, optimize, maintain, and boost product page on various marketplaces
✅ Experts to provide efficient fulfillment solution (warehouse to stock + reception/picking/packing + return + faster delivery speed)
✅ Existing partnership with 30+ marketplaces in Europe to save negotiation time
✅ Save labor, time and energy spent on qualitative and skillful work
✅ Trust created from ancient partnership – our innovation bar helped Octavio to test product, get consumer’s feedback and improve R&D before launching to general public
Creating marketing sheet
Targeting marketplaces
Listing on first marketplace
Social media posts
Social media amplification
Day 1
Day 2
Day 7
Listing on second marketplace
Each week a new marketplace
Customer support
Scaling the business
Day 30
Our process
Day 3-4-6
Contact from a first retailor
Contact from a second retailor
First order from a retailor
Until now
Constant growth
List the product in the top leading marketplaces
After negotiation with Octavio, we decided to conduct a special but stable way of listing on marketplace —— one week, one new marketplace.
We choose the order of marketplace in a strategical way, based on the different targeted consumer of each platform.
Within 24 hours after we listed the product on the first marketplace, Octavio was contacted by a distributor to be listed in their physical stores. 24 hours after that, Octavio received a second contact by another distributor. After 3 days from the first negotiation, Octavio received the first order from the distributor. The second order from another distributor is also on the way.
From online to offline, it only took 4 days thanks to So sample.

Social media amplification
Octavio has already organised its community composed by music-enthusiasts. They had its own social media campaign and it works well.
So sample helped them to amplify their social media influence by reposting, sharing and creating interesting content in order to catch potential buyers' and investors' attention.
Combining both So sample and Octavio's social media influence, we reached out to more potential customers and open up the brand awareness.
Why did this campaign work well for Octavio ?
We can explain the case by the simplest marketing methodology "4P'
Octavio is an innovative, unique and original new product in a mass market of millions of consumers. With a proposition "Don't throw your old devices", Octavio connects old device with current music, which differentiates itself from other competitors.
We immediately made the product available on the top leading marketplaces in France, and then we got connected by distributors to be in their physical store, bringing more brand awareness and opportunity.
In order to boost the sales, we chose the marketplaces from a strategic perspective according to their targeting customers. Also we supported and amplified Octavio's social media influence.
Thanks to our innovation bar, we had a chance of discussing with customers, calculating and fixing the selling price before launching the product.
During "Fête de la Musique", the most influential music festival in France, we seized the chance and organised a 2-day discount, which turned out to be very successful.
They grew with us in Europe