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Your brand is only as strong as your reputation.

Increasing review volume is the key to boosting your sales performances and insights while enhancing SEO benefits.


of people read reviews before purchasing


trust reviews as they would a personal recommendation


Why launching a reviews campaign?

Who better to promote your brand than your own customers?

Create more genuine content & reach new audiences by using real customers to create content and share their opinion in the form of reviews online.


At So sample, we believe that your existing customers are the most powerful form of influence. We help our partners turning the best customers into passionate advocates in the form of brand ambassadors.


Build a community of your loyal customers, use ambassadors to generate first reviews on multiple marketplaces & drive sales.

Image de Leon
Image de John Schnobrich
Taper sur un ordinateur

Why review volume matters?

Increasing review volume isn't just a one time task, it is an ongoing effort that will pay off in dividends for your business.

Improved product page

Product insights

Increased conversion

More opportunities for your business


Build the reputation of your brand


Show real-life picture

Réunion entre collègues

Step by Step

Step 1: Define the goal of your campaign.

  • To generate User Generated Content

  • To boost your SEO

  • To increase brand equity

  • To boost your sales

Plan d'affaires

Step 2: Analysis of current product & set up a strategy.

It's an important step to analysis your product, even your competitors before you launch a review campaign. You can base on the following criteria to analyze:

  • the features of your product you want to highlight

  • your targeted customers

  • the reviews campaign strategy of your competitors

  • the keywords you want to focus on

Set up your customized strategy according to your analysis result, and it's time to start.

Step 3: Launch your campaign successfully.

  • Ask for a review via phone, email, text message or social media

  • Make it easy for customers to leave a review

  • Respond to your current review to improve customer satisfaction and SEO

  • Partner up with a marketing agency specialized in reviews campaign.

  • Make full use of your community and Reward your most loyal customers



Step 4: Analysis of your campaign performances.

  • Evaluate the time spent by each employee to work on your review program, compare it to the number of reviews generated. How many positive reviews were collected thanks to your strategy ? How many reviews were deleted by marketplaces following your strategy? Do you understand why it has been deleted ? etc...

  • Review the ultimate effectiveness of the campaign versus objective. By what percentage it increase your sales performance? To what extent did the campaign improve your SEO? etc...

  • Analysis performances from the perspective of data. Collect all the meaningful data (review, click, purchase...) and analyse form different perspective (absolute number, percentage, MoM/WoW/DoD growth...)


Case study: how did So sample turned an unknown product into an Amazon Hit?

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Deliver trust and brand awareness

After 3 weeks and the first 100 sales oh our partner's product MT800, we received the first negative reviews on our multiple marketplaces. As you should know, most of the first reviews are usually bad reviews as people that are satisfied need extra motivation to share their satisfaction with a product. By following up and reaching out to your customers - happy or unhappy - you fix many issues: bad reviews, misunderstandings, brand equity. And this is why customer support in the local language is so important.

A product with 1 star or 2 stars rating cannot perform well, neither can it perform well in the long term. So sample team had to react fast and plan an ambassador strategy to get real positive feedbacks from real customers.

Our customer support team reached out to them and politely asked if they could share their satisfaction by writing a review online. It's time-consuming but it's the best strategy to get numerous real reviews without being struck by Amazon. We are against any illegal strategy, like encouraging the writing of fake marketplace reviews, and we do not advise anyone to take such unethical actions.



In just a few weeks, we succeeded to get +20 reviews by calling people and that number more than doubled again naturally without any strategy from our side. It was customers that were putting positive reviews by themself thanks to email relaunch only. The number attracts the number, the reviews attract the reviews.

Increasing review volume isn't just a one time task, it is an ongoing effort that will pay off in dividends for your business

As you can see in the graph below, the number of sessions in blue was the same between these two months, but we deployed +20 ratings at the beginning of December and sales started to duplicate per 3 as usual.

It's organic growth that appreciates Amazon and so the ranking upgraded fast to the first page with the main keywords that we used since the beginning.

2 reviews can increase purchases by 10%. 10 reviews bring 

lifts in natural search traffic and SEO benefits emerge.

If you reach 100 reviews, it can increase purchases

by 40% start to receive valuable consumer insights &

boost the sense of brand trust.

Also having reviews help you in your SEO to be visible on
Google shopping which is one of the most important browsers

in Europe.

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Your campaign management by So sample.

For a reviews campaign, So sample's team' mission is :


  • to research, find, and negotiate with different ambassadors

  • to prepare "ambassador boxes" with 1 sample + goodies personalized + handwritten notes


  • to follow-up with each ambassador during calls & by emails: helping them to set up or use your product, answering their questions, re-explaining to them the process to leave reviews


  • to help ambassadors to write honest, constructive, and SEO-optimized reviews for each marketplace


  • to encourage ambassadors to duplicate their opinions on more than one marketplace


  • to carry out work to highlight the best opinions in order to optimize the referencing of your product online, on each marketplace

Authentic reviews by authentic customers.

So sample manages sampling programs. The sample are to be sent to our ambassadors in exchange for their honest review of the product. Indeed, we always ask our partners to send us the units first in order to add nice handwritten notes and goodies within the boxes sent to ambassadors.


Although we don't give ambassadors an exact model, we do help them to write constructive, and SEO-optimized reviews for each marketplace. This way, fresh insights can be developed and the reviews generated are longer and more personal than normal. It also means that you don’t have duplicated reviews, just authentic and honest reviews every time.

Freelance pensif

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for their diffusion in Europe


2016 - 2022 @ All rights reserved by So sample. Made in France with passion

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