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What people are expecting when they're entering a store ?

If you are not yet convinced that people are entering stores to touch and test products to live a unique experience, I would advise you to check out those data from KPMG :

Retailers focus on that too: More than half (54%) of retailers state that the customer experience is their most important area of focus, way ahead of cross-channel marketing (16%), data-driven marketing (14%), mobile (11%), and programmatic buying/optimization (4%). Source: Adobe.

What about consumer electronics brands and your product ?

Most of innovative product as Royole moon can provide a nice customer experience. It's more than nice for customer experience, it's necessary. A video and/or description online is not enought to commit for an investment of 150€-1 000€.

To increase purchase intention and convinced early majority, Royole invest on qualitative display with free use of the product to discover the best Home cinema 3D portable. How to be aware of the quality of the sound and video if people cannot test it ?

If you have a product with high value of use, you need to let people test the product with our without vendors to automatize sales and have the right incentive adapted for your product. In this situation, you answer the need of 1/2 consumers that need to test your product before buying and 1/6 that want to have nice experience as a shopper.

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